For Doctors and Students » Uno-Dental
Currently, UNO-DENTAL organizes about 30 courses every year. We cooperate with the most popular North American and Polish lecturers.
We assume that by now approximately 57% of Polish dentists have participated in at least one of our courses.
Our courses gather between 1,100 and 1,800 Polish dentists per year.
UNO-DENTAL s.c. is a CE provider which mainly organizes specialist courses, symposia etc. and also sells CE resources (VCD, DVD, CD-R, book, monthly newsletter) for the Polish dental profession. The lecturing and hands-on training takes place in Poland as well as abroad (the USA). Our primary objective is to provide a high quality professional training which meets standards of modern education and organization. Our efforts are focused on anticipating and responding through a tailored CE offer to specific needs of our target group. We strive to provide a cutting-edge professional dental education on the latest treatment methods and products available.
Mission Statement
We aim to keep our leading position on the CE market by:
- constant care for the highest level of the training we provide
- constant monitoring of the satisfaction level of our clients
- flexibility in view of their needs.
Polish Lecturers
Currently, we are co-operating with:
- chir. stom. lek. med. Roman Borczyk (D.D.S., M.D.; endodontics, implants)
- dr n. med. Jacek Ciesielski (D.D.S., Ph.D.; esthethic dentistry)
- lek. dent. Marcin Dolecki (D.D.S., orthodontics)
More information: http://www.unodental.pl/english/index.php