Services offered » Implantology
Implantology is a field of dentistry dealing with restoration and reconstruction of missing teeth, i.e. replacement of lost teeth in the form of bone implants.
Implantology provides enormous potential for reconstruction. It is the optimal solution primarily for toothless patients, who often experience displacement or poor adhesion of complete dentures. One dental surgeon in Australia specializes in fitting implants in children with congenital adontia, who have been condemned for many years to eat semi-liquid and pulpous meals. Owing to implantology, two implants are sufficient to mount a prosthetic construction referred to as a bridge to restore comfort to such patients.
Before the implantation procedure, meticulous analysis of models as well as X-ray radiograms, and in exceptional cases also computed tomography scans, are performed. Implantation is planned after completion of all investigations. Together with the patient, the dentist selects an appropriate technique, measures and materials, to commence the first stage of the procedure – placement of a bone implant. It is a single-visit surgical procedure, involving anchoring an implant of appropriate size in the bona structure and suturing of the surgical wound. Osseointegration, i.e. healing of the jawbone and anchoring of the implant in the surrounding bone structures takes minimum three months. After that time, the second stage – prosthetic reconstruction, closely connected with implantoprosthetics, which is described separately, can be commenced.
The contraindications for implantologic procedures include non-compensated diabetes, hyperthyroidism as well as heavy smoking. Nicotine damages the periodontal tissues and the oral mucosa by excessive drying. It is also a potent degenerating and pathogenic factor, which may lead to implant loss.
In ca. 1% of cases, a failure of integration of the implant with the surrounding bone structures has been observed. One of the causes of such situations is too early placement of the implant at the extracted tooth site. The safe interval between tooth extraction and implant placement ranges from 6 to 12 months – depending on the patient’s age. In young patients, integration and bone remodeling takes ca. 6 months, whereas in older patients this process lasts a little longer. If rejection of the implant occurs, its replacement can be attempted. In some cases, however, it is necessary to modify the treatment plan.
It is noteworthy that such situations will generate no additional costs, as the manufacturers of implants guarantee to provide replacement implants free of charge.
Owing to dynamic development of techniques, means and materials, as well as to competition among manufacturers, implantology no longer is an exclusive procedure, available only to a limited number of patients. High-grade alloys applied in implantology and implantoprosthetics present the highest quality. The costs of implant placement and prosthetic reconstruction of one tooth, using the materials of the highest price group, should not exceed PLN 9500,-.